Lesley A. Powell has been an artist all of her life. She was first a dancer, choreographer and now a painter. The love of movement, space, texture, the body, color and nature are major influences on her art. Lesley’s art deals with the ability to expressively change the space, whether it be the stage or the painting.
Lesley A. Powell’s art deals with the ability to expressively describe movement, its emotions and space, whether it was on the stage or now the 2 dimensional space of the canvas. Working on the canvas is now the stage for movement, line, color, texture and expression. Lesley is intrigued by the movements of the body, stories of juxtapositions of images of people and the love of nature. Blurring the image to capture the essence of the movement, the expression of the space on the canvas, nature and color are motivations in Lesley A. Powell’s art.